
Our goal is to serve our expertise for safe comfort and optimal performance.

PHARMAFLIGHT’s goal is to make flying more comfortable for the world, by training pilots to fly more safely and to maintain the high-level performance of aircrew and air traffic controllers. The results of all these are effectively adapted for road transport, corporate environments and sports. We aim to deliver safety and comfort and the best possible performance via our expertise.

PHARMAFLIGHT's aviation academy provides world-class comprehensive training to all current and future pilots who strive for professional, outstanding quality and performance in their careers.

PHARMAFLIGHT currently provides one of the most modern training facilities and educational experiences available not only in Hungary but around the globe.

Continuous standby is ensured in the aviation sector with flexible and high-quality medical care.

The center offers world-class know-how and solutions that guarantee the physiology of cutting-edge performance in air and road transport, as well as in sports.

As the leading innovation and knowledge center of the Hungarian aviation industry, PHARMAFLIGHT carries out important research and development projects to increase and maintain aircrew performance. PHARMAFLIGHT provides complex professional, medical and research services in domestic and international pilot training and human development. Full support from the beginning of a pilot's career until becoming an expert and then with further developments. We are partners in assessment and monitoring of human physical performance for all industries where it is important to deliver the highest team performance.



News and Press releases

Legfrissebb hírek / blog


Our colleague at the top of the profession

Dr. Botond Szűcs, Head Biologist at PHARMAFLIGHT, has received a huge professional recognition by being elected as an affiliate member of the International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine (IAASM).


Prestigious guests visited PHARMAFLIGHT again

From 3 to 5 June, PHARMAFLIGHT's management hosted Sven Aerts, representative of the European Spas Association (ESPA) and the European Directorate General of Health from Brussels, and Patrick Bensen, founder of Brainmark.


PHARMAFLIGHT's physiological measurement is available in Croatia

The experts of PHARMAFLIGHT have presented our solutions in Croatia, significant actors of the Croatian market attended. The venue was Hotel Esplanade in Zagreb, where our colleagues introduced the PHAPA System and professional background of more than 40 years behind it, alongside with our partnership with the Croatian company Poliklinika Terme Selce. Gréta Kerekes, Hungarian hurdler and Zeljko Oreski, president of the Croatian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association provided their testimonials, proving the efficiency of our resting measurement protocol during the event.


Our partners


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